Global Knack is not a “one-size-fits all” Organisation. At the center of technical talent, we believe it takes a personalized, consultative approach to match the right candidate with the right company. We pay attention to the needs of both candidates and clients by utilizing a targeted recruiting approach that takes the same careful considerations favored by premier executive search firms.
We are sector agonostic organisation catering to all. We’re thorough.
We take the time upfront to get to know each company and candidate and look beyond job requirements and skill sets to ensure the right fit.
Because we talk daily to the best companies, we usually get the best opportunities first. With our full professional consultancy service, we ensure we match your skills and ambitions to the right company and role so that your next move will be the best careers move you can make. Recruitment is a people business, not a numbers game.
If you are reading this then, like many others, you are looking for that next step in your career and by luck or good judgement, have chosen well – Global Knack provides recruitment excellence. At Global Knack Recruitment, all of our consultants are selected for their dedication to the candidate’s and client’s cause – they are professional, efficient and very passionate about what they do.
Naturally, we will want to meet you in order to quickly and efficiently assess your skills and experience, but more importantly, take the time to talk in detail about what elements are vital for you in your next role. We always make sure that we put round pegs into round holes. We certainly won’t be wasting your time with interviews that don’t match your abilities and aspirations. Similarly, we won’t waste our Clients’ time.
Our in-depth understanding of the marketplace also means that our Consultants are able to offer impartial advice and feedback with regards to sectors and roles that will suit you, your skills and your personality. We find this recipe is highly successful for our candidates and clients alike. This is one of the reasons why we get told about the best jobs first.